Welcome to Mrs. Conley’s Webpage
Breakfast! Breakfast! Breakfast!
Please have your child eat a healthy breakfast every morning. A good breakfast is needed to improve concentration during the day. It can also help to avoid fatigue, weakness, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and abdominal pains during the day.
Physical Education Excusal
If your child needs to be excused from or limited to certain activity in Physical Education class, a physician’s excusal note is required. If you feel your child may not be able to fully participate in PE for 1-2 days due to a minor injury or illness, and you send in a note, your child will be requested to get dressed for PE and will be encouraged to walk during PE class. If you have a special circumstance where you would not like your child to participate in PE, and you have been unable to consult a physician, please contact the school nurse.
Any student who has a fever, vomiting, excessive diarrhea, conjunctivitis (pink-eye), or a possibly infectious rash will be excused from school by the school nurse. The school nurse may also excuse a child from school for a medical condition or injury that should be evaluated by a Physician. Please keep your child home for any temperature of 100.0 F or more. Your child should be fever free for 24 hours (without a fever-reducing medication) prior to returning to school. Please also keep your child home for any vomiting or excessive diarrhea. Your child should be free from vomiting for 24 hours prior to returning to school. If your child is diagnosed with strep throat or conjunctivitis, it is advised that your child be on antibiotics for 24 hours prior to returning to school to help avoid transmission of infection to another student.
If your child presents to the Health Office with cold symptoms or abdominal pain during school hours, but does not have a fever or vomiting, the school nurse will encourage your child to complete the school day. The school nurse will offer simple interventions to help get your child through the school day (i.e. rest, icepack, water, heating pad, bathroom, salt-water gargle, etc) or administer medications as ordered by your child’s physician. If you would like to be notified of your child’s visit to the Health Office, please have your child inform the school nurse. If you know your child isn’t feeling well prior to going to school and would like the school nurse to notify you of a visit to the Health Office, please contact the school nurse that morning.
The school nurse may only administer medications with a doctor’s order from your child’s physician. The only medications that students are allowed to carry are asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors. However, the school nurse must have an order from the physician stating so. Cough drops may be carried in school as long as a parent sends a note to the school nurse requesting so. Medication found on a student that does not have the proper documentation in the Health Office will be confiscated.
All necessary orders and forms needed for your child to have a medication carried or held in the Health Office are on the school nurses' page of the district website. Please click on the Medical Forms link on the left.
Contact information:
Liz Conley - Phone 973-697-1980 (ext 5720) - Fax 973-697-1348 - Email – econley@jefftwp.org