Arthur Stanlick

Elementary School

Falcon Pride!


Welcome to Stanlick!

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    Dear Arthur Stanlick Elementary School Families,

    I want to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! It is my sincere hope that you have been enjoying a summer filled with fun, relaxation, and rejuvenation with your friends and family. As the principal of Arthur Stanlick, I want to personally express my excitement for the new school year and I look forward to welcoming back our remarkable students. It is a great honor to lead an exceptional staff to inspire students to achieve success in all of their academic and extracurricular pursuits over the course of the school year. 

    As we begin to plan for the new academic school year, I would like to take this opportunity to communicate our shared vision for the 24-25 SY. We will equip our students with growth mindset strategies to increase student self-confidence in their academic performance in the classroom as well as their behavioral choices. We will focus on further enhancing student engagement through multi-tiered systems of support to educate the whole child. We will analyze student performance data to inform instructional practice and lesson planning with a focus on goal-setting & progress monitoring. Additionally, we are committed to supporting the social and emotional well-being of all of our students. To accomplish this objective, our staff will continue implementing our character education program, Purpose Full People. Our staff will facilitate connections between SEL & STEM to inspire student collaboration to overcome challenges during a weekly DREAM Period (DRop Everything And Make).

    Our students have the distinct privilege of learning from a deeply passionate and caring staff who will engage learning through the integration of dynamic and research-based instructional strategies, meaningful technology, and authentic experiences to enhance their comprehension and understanding of the knowledge and skills outlined in the district curricula. Our dedicated staff is committed to providing the highest quality education and support for each student. Your child’s time at Arthur Stanlick Elementary School will be filled with numerous opportunities to explore various subjects, participate in engaging activities, and build lasting friendships.

    I am excited to welcome our new staff members to the Arthur Stanlick Elementary School family:

    Miss Michaela Snyder, Special Education     Mrs. Dara Shirhall, Special Education

    Mrs. April Tarabocchia, 5th Gr.                     Ms. Kathleen Lynch, Psychologist

    Mr. Patrick Butler, Security                             Ms. Maria Ivakhiv, 3rd Gr.

    Mrs. Jennifer Gesek, 5th Gr.                           Ms. Meghan Kochan, 2nd Gr.


    As the start of the school year quickly approaches, I want to draw your attention to a few important dates. The JCPTA is sponsoring a scavenger hunt for our incoming 1st graders and new families on Tuesday, September 3rd from 2:15 - 3:15. We are looking forward to meeting all our new families!

    We are eagerly anticipating the first day of school on Thursday, September 5th. Please note that student arrival begins at 8:20 and students are dismissed at 2:50 using the gym lobby entrance located around the side of the school building. Throughout the school year we encourage all students to participate in our after-school clubs and enrichment opportunities. Finally, Back to School Night is scheduled for Thursday, September 12th (more information to follow). 

    Furthermore, as we prepare for the start of school, I want to recognize the incredible accomplishments of our custodial, maintenance, buildings & grounds, and technology team as well as our secretarial staff for all of their hard work and dedication to the necessary preparations for the opening of school in September. Thank you to Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Nimmo, Mr. Ramirez, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Leppard, & Mr. Cline. We are grateful for the wonderful support staff we have here at Arthur Stanlick Elementary School.

    If you have not done so already, please follow us on Twitter and Instagram @AStanlickSchool.

    I am earnestly looking forward to an outstanding 24-25 school year.

    Dr. Papa & The Arthur Stanlick Elementary School Staff

    @AStanlickSchool -

    Dr. Daniel Papa - Principal

      Mrs. Lisa Kennedy - Principal's Secretary

    Mrs. Donna Nimmo -  Secretary

      Miss Gina Santini - School Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist

    Ms. Amy Yermal - School Counselor

      Mrs. Cassie Carbone - Nurse, X5115


      121B East Shawnee Trail  Wharton, NJ 07885

      Main: (973) 663-0520

      Fax: (973) 663-7854

    School Hours: 8:20 am - 3:30 pm

     Follow Us on Twitter @AStanlickSchool

     Follow Us on Instagram @AStanlickSchool

    Josephine Ramirez
    Anti-Bullying Coordinator
    Jefferson Township Public Schools
    (973) 697-3535 ext. 5865
    1010 Weldon Road
    Oak Ridge, NJ  07438
    Gina Santini
    Anti-Bullying Specialist
    (973) 663-0520
    Arthur Stanlick Elementary School
    1218 E. Shawnee Trail,      

Student Showcase

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