Meet the Board

  • The BOE seeks to develop an effective Communications Plan which fosters an environment that invites all stakeholders to participate in achieving the District’s mission, goals, and educational priorities.

    The Board of Education e-mail system will enable you to communicate directly to all nine elected members and the Superintendent of Schools.

    In accordance with BOE procedure, the Board shall refer all issues to the Superintendent who shall investigate your concerns. The Superintendent shall expeditiously report the issue, findings, and resolution to the full Board.

    Your thoughts are important to us, and we appreciate your time and effort in the pursuit of improved communication and educational betterment.

    Thank you,
    Jefferson Township Board of Education




    Please see the brochure below for a quick reference to the Board's role and responsibilities.

    A Guide to Board Meetings in NJ

    NJSBA: School Governance


Contact Info

  • Mrs. Jeanne Howe
    Superintendent of Schools

    Dr. Roger Jinks
    Assistant Superintendent of Schools

    Mrs. Rita Oroho Giacchi
    Business Administrator/Board Secretary

    Members of the Board of Education & End of Term Dates
    President: Mrs. Stacey Poulas, 12/31/2026
    Vice President: Mrs. Adele Wildermuth, 12/31/2025 
    Mr. Christopher J. Brown, 12/31/2024 
    Mrs. Amy Gould, 12/31/2024 
    Mrs. Jaime Grater, 12/31/2025
    Mr. Christopher Natale, 12/31/2024 
    Mrs. Diane Perez, 12/31/2026
    Mrs. Jill Small, 12/31/2026
    Mr. Michael Stewart, 12/31/2025

    To e-mail the Board of Education members: