Gifted Education Department
Here you will find links to content, classroom activities and information regarding standards in the world of gifted education. Different parts of this website can be accessed by clicking on the links located on the left side of the page. The "Parent Nomination Packet" can be found on the page titled "Forms and Documents".
What is a gifted student?
In Jefferson Township Public Schools, the Gifted Education Department offers a wide range of services to its student body. These services are composed of three main areas: pull-out comprehensive gifted education, enrichment groups by content area, and building wide enrichment. The distinction between our principal program and all others is driven by the definition of a “gifted student”. The State of New Jersey defines a gifted student as those students “who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local school district and who require modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.”
In accordance with this definition, students in Jefferson Township Public Schools are identified for our chief gifted education program using multiple measures such as gifted behavior checklists, standardized screening tests (CogAt) and student performance within their normal coursework. Parents may also complete a nomination packet on behalf of their child that will be examined by gifted education faculty. In our GATEways (6-8), STEP (3-5) and Young Learners (1 & 2) pull-out programs we typically service the top 10% (approximately) of students, and strive to challenge their intellects while also fostering emotional growth and knowledge of self.
Aside from our GATEways, STEP and Young Learners programs, students also have opportunities to become part of enrichment groups in science, math and language arts as well as take part in building wide learning such as debate, project challenge and TREP$. Enrichment groups are based on performance in normal coursework (i.e. grades and teacher input), while school wide programs are open to all on the basis of interest. Both types of programs meet throughout the school year.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you.
Jodi Reinstein
Supervisor of Gifted & Talented Education K-12
Phone: (973) 663-5780 ext. 5078