• Curriculum

    Environmental Science is the study of interrelationships between human activities and the environment. The objective of the Academy for Environmental Science is to provide students with scientific knowledge about the natural world while at the same time exploring the environmental, economic, and social aspects of these interactions and how they influence decision-making and policy. Students will learn about human and natural systems, gain interdisciplinary knowledge about the environment and understand the impact of work in this field of study. Emphasis will be placed on field-based learning and practical applications of concepts. The course of study is designed to integrate all academic perspectives and reflects the interdisciplinary nature of environmental studies. Upon graduation, students will have the foundation needed to pursue a degree in environmental studies in preparation for one of the growing numbers of environmental careers in resource management, engineering, business, non-profit work, law, conservation, or education.

    Grading System:
    • Four Marking Periods, Mid-term Examination and Comprehensive Final Examination
    • Based on a 100-point numerical scale
    • Honors and AP classes are given additional "weight" when calculating GPA.

    An Academy Student’s Schedule:


    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 3

    Year 4


    Intro to Env. Systems 

    Intro to Ecological Design (sem 2.5 cr.) FALL/ Environmental Law and Policy (sem 2.5cr.) SPRING 

    Climate Change Biology (sem 2.5 cr.)/Intro to Env. Research (sem 2.5 cr.)

    Research and Field Work in Env Sci/ Global Issues in Environmental Sustainability



    Honors Academy English 9

    Honors Academy English 10

    Honors Academy English 11

    Honors Academy English 12/ AP English


    Algebra 1  or GeoH

    GeoH  or Algebra 2H

    Algebra 2H  or PrecalcH

    Calculus, AP Stats

    Social Studies

    World History CP or H

    US 1 CP or H

    US 2 CP or H

    AP USH, Economics, Business


    Bio CP or H

    Chem CP or H

    AP Physics 1, CP Physics 

    AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Physics 2

    Physical Education

    Phys. Ed/Health

    Phys. Ed/Health

    Phys. Ed/Health

    Phys. Ed/Health

    World Language






    Financial Literacy Elective

    VPA Elective


    Release time for SLE





    Structured Learning Experience 120 Hours


     **Please note that during senior year (year four), students will have the option of taking classess at CCM, Ramapo or Montclair University and earning up to 24 college credits.  


    Click here to visit the Office of Curriculum and Instruction where you will find curriculum documents organized by level and content area.