
  • Upon initial enrollment in Jefferson Township School District, each new student shall present an original birth certificate with the raised seal (a copy is not acceptable) and immunization documentation. Where applicable, students may have medical or religious exemptions with appropriate waivers and paperwork.

    Students new to the country who are entering our schools must provide certification indicating clearance by the State Board of Health.

    Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP, DTaP, Tdap): A minimum of four doses of DTP are required for every child less than seven years of age. One dose must have been administered on or after the fourth birthday.

    For children over seven years of age, three doses of Td or a combination of DTP and Td to total three doses (appropriately spaced) shall meet the requirement. Beginning September, 2008, children born on or after January 1, 1997 and entering Grade 6 must have received a Tdap booster given no earlier than their 10th birthday and at least 5 years after their last dose of Td.

    Polio: A minimum of three doses of live trivalent oral polio virus vaccine (OPV) or inactivated polio virus vaccine (IPV) are required for children less than seven years of age. One dose must be administered on or after the fourth birthday.

    Three doses of OPV or IPV, appropriately spaced for children over seven years of age, shall meet the requirement.

    Any bivalent or unknown OPV doses administered after April 1, 2016 should not be counted as a valid dose and should be repeated.

    Measles: Two doses of measles vaccine administered on or after the first birthday are required for children born on or after 1/1/90.

    One dose of measles vaccine on or after the first birthday is required for children born before 1/1/90.

    Children who present documented laboratory evidence of measles immunity shall not be required to receive the measles vaccine.

    Mumps: One dose of mumps vaccine administered on or after the first birthday is required. Students who present documented laboratory evidence of mumps immunity shall not be required to receive the mumps vaccine.

    Rubella: One dose of rubella vaccine administered on or after the first birthday is required. Students who present documented laboratory evidence of rubella immunity shall not be required to receive the rubella vaccine.

    Hepatitis B: Students born on or after 1/1/96 must have received three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine.

    Students born on or after 1/1/90 and entering grade 6 must have received three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine.

    Students born on or after 1/1/89, entering, attending, or transferring into grades 9-12 shall have received two to three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine (depending on regimen).

    Students who present documented evidence of Hepatitis disease shall not be required to receive the Hepatitis B vaccine.

    Varicella: Students born on or after 1/1/98 must have received one dose of Varicella vaccine on or after the first birthday.

    Students whose physician submits a statement of past history of Varicella disease, or serological evidence of immunity shall not be required to receive the Varicella vaccine.

    T.B. Testing: Children enrolling in our schools who are entering from certain foreign countries must undergo TB testing unless they have been tested within the past six months. Verification from a physician is required to substantiate this claim.

    Meningococcal Vaccine: Beginning September 2008, students born on or after January 1, 1997 and entering Grade 6 must have received one dose of a meningococcal-containing vaccine, given on or after the 11th birthday.

    Pneumococcal and Influenza Vaccines: Beginning September 2008, pre-school student’s age 12-59 months must have received one dose of Pneumococcal (PCV) on or after their first birthday and influenza vaccine annually between September 1 and December 31 of each year.